News Briefs from Lucioles #18 – August 2014

AGAINST BAILIFFS AND EXPLOITERS…In response to the arrest of a dozen anarchists in Italy, eight ATMs are smashed or trashed with foam and windows are shattered to pieces on the premises of two estate agencies in Pré-Saint-Gervais and Pantin on 8th June.

AND AGAINST PRISON SOCIETY…On 13th and 18th May two vehicles belonging to ONET Sécurité (a security company also involved in the nuclear power industry) are set on fire in Paris and Montreuil. On 4th June, in Pantin, it’s a van belonging to Boygues (a company that builds and runs prisons and detention centres), that goes up in flames.

WALKING IS MORE ECO-FRIENDLY… At the end of May 27 Keolis buses ceased to exist. The company usually transports the rich and tourists from the airport of Roissy to city hotels and vice-versa … In the depot of Mesnil-Amelot only charred wreckages could be found (and right near the prison for Sanpapiers – maybe those vehicles were also used to transport people to their deportation?) Near Lilas three public cars for hire are set on fire, and in Paris the tyres of 453 public bicycles (and also 8 cars of the municipal administration) go up in flames. Now take a walk, you lazy people! It’s much more eco-friendly! And it is also a loss for companies like JCDecaux, which exploit prisoners.

A CHANGE OF ROLE… On Thursday 4th June, at around 6:20pm, a jailer working at Osny prison is recognized in the street by six individuals, who break up his face and thrash his car before disappearing. A just retribution for his job!

LOVE AND MOLOTOV AT THE COURT… On Friday 27th July a Molotov bottle and a rubbish bin blow up close to a metal door of the court of Créteil, right where prisoners are held up. Probably a declaration of love and freedom!

A FIRE STRIKING TWO TARGETS, AN ELECTION POLLS STATION AND A SCHOOL… On the occasion of the EU elections of 25th May, classrooms of the school Roland-Dorgeles in Chantelup-Les-Vignes (Yvelines), as well as many other places where children are indoctrinated, were set to host election polls. But on the following night someone tried to set fire to the first floor of the building after smashing a security door.

ACAB… Non one loves cops and sometimes someone demonstrates it in a very ‘warm’ way. So at the end of May some brave people threw stones at a police van that was patrolling the streets. The attackers resisted the arrival of cops’ back-up pretty well, but three people were arrested in the end. A bad night even for the police patrol that ventured in a wrong neighbourhood (Tarterets in Corbeil-Essonnes) as some of them ended up in hospital. And at around the same time of the year, in the neighbourhood of Oly in Montgeron, only with great trouble did the police manage to escape the many ambushes set on them. In the neighbourhood of Luth, Genevilliers, a fifteen-year- old boy was arrested (thanks to CCTV cameras) as he was trying to set two bulldozers on fire in a yard. Shortly after he was released, on Friday 23rd May, the boy was arrested once again as he and a friend were throwing stones at cops. It seems that people attacked the police station with firecrackers on the same night in response to the boy’s arrest. No cops’ offensive must go without response!

ON 14TH JULY LET’S STRIKE THE COPS! On the occasion of the 14th July’s celebration the police station of the XII Arrondissement in Paris and that of Choisy were attacked with firecrackers. In Argenteuil, the party lasted three entire nights with skips on fire, firecrackers and stones against the cops in Val d’Argent and other areas. In Villeneuve-la-Garennepoles some poles set on fire attract the attention of the cops, and so do skips on fire in Villiers-sur-Marne… and bum! And down the blows! In Essonne about 20 cars are set on fire, whereas in Gennevillers the building hosting a school goes up totally in flames…

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